tirsdag 24. mars 2020

Thinking of starting to paint again, but....

I've been thinking about starting to paint again for a long time,
but it's hard to get started. There are many things I want to try, but like so many other painters, I have a fear of starting to put colors on a new canvas. When you have put on the first blob of color you have broken  the starting line and you just have to keep going and as a pure amateur it is scary.

I have mostly only painted figuratively with only a few exceptions
and now I can imagine trying something completely free, just based on
shape and colors.

The pictures I have posted here are photographs of rain on the car route,
with points of light from windows in the background and a focus on raindrops. The middle image has the same starting point as the top one, but has been manipulated in a computer program. Well, "Time will be funny".


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