torsdag 5. januar 2023

The quay in my hometown....

My hometown is wery different from winter to summer and during the winter there are not so many people down at the quay, but the restaurants have a lot of people also in wintertime, but only inside.

During the summer there are people everywhere and for us that live in the city it is to much people and the quay are very popular for the boat people, witch are coming from the hole Oslo fjord area, but also a lot of boat people from Sweden, Denmark and from Holland and Germany.

There is a lot of turism to Norways oldest city during the summer and that is nice, but down at the quay there is much partying and very often to much noise when every boat are playing music and try to have the best and highest sound. 

The citisens are happy when the main season is over and life is back to normal.

 The quay in my hometown in winter.

The quay in my hometown in the summer

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